What Would Jesus Do?

Throughout my life, as I’ve worked with people in so many different capacities, one of my weaknesses is that I always want more for people…see more in them than they do. Tony Robbins tells a story about a young person who joins the coast guard. He’s just graduated from the coast guard academy, and he’sContinue reading “What Would Jesus Do?”

Tough Experiences Yield the Most Fruitful Lessons

I guess you can say I’m a fixer. Whenever something happens that causes others stress or grief, I immediately got into militant mode. I take over. I go into action. What I realized today is that my coping mechanism for grief can come off as lacking compassion; as too intense. That broke my heart. WhichContinue reading “Tough Experiences Yield the Most Fruitful Lessons”

You Can’t Have a Plan B. This Has To Be The ONLY Plan.

On Monday, I had the opportunity to interview Bob Leone on the VIP Ignite podcast, who is a music legend. He is known as a star maker. How did I get this opportunity? Let’s start from the beginning. Two weeks ago, Michael Fomkin was in Los Angeles for a celebrity reading of the play, TheContinue reading “You Can’t Have a Plan B. This Has To Be The ONLY Plan.”

If We Don’t Talk About It

We can’t eradicate it. Today, I had the opportunity of a lifetime. Back before it was a popular buzzword, I was learning about human trafficking. What shocks me, truthfully, is that more people are not aware of what is going on in plain sight. It was an intimate group of powerhouses. People who are inContinue reading “If We Don’t Talk About It”

Have you ever been fully present in a moment…

And felt like you had to pinch yourself to make sure it was really happening? I had a moment like that a few nights ago. I was sitting at dinner after a long day, and as I took an inventory of the day, I found myself laughing incredulously. You see, a few months ago, IContinue reading “Have you ever been fully present in a moment…”

Models, Murder and Human Trafficking

Have I told you guys that I host a podcast? I’ve been doing it for about a year now. I have had the opportunity to interview some of the coolest people in the entertainment industry. Actors. Models. Musicians. It’s a pretty sweet gig. How did I land this gig? Well, I got connected with aContinue reading “Models, Murder and Human Trafficking”

Breaking patterns of repeatability

January has been health month. Annual checkup with the doctor. Mammogram. Annual gyn exam. You know, living my best life. We are all so programmed to make sure our physical health is in check…but how often do we check in with our mindset health? Our career health? Our mental health? Or relational health? We’re almostContinue reading “Breaking patterns of repeatability”