You Can’t Have a Plan B. This Has To Be The ONLY Plan.

On Monday, I had the opportunity to interview Bob Leone on the VIP Ignite podcast, who is a music legend. He is known as a star maker.

How did I get this opportunity? Let’s start from the beginning.

Two weeks ago, Michael Fomkin was in Los Angeles for a celebrity reading of the play, The Bench, A Homeless Love Story that VIP Ignite sponsored/produced. He sent me a picture of a business card–Bob’s business card–and told me that he had a meeting with him.

Being who I am, I had to google Bob. When I did my cursory search, my jaw dropped. I may have emitted a squeal as well.

I immediately texted him back, “YOU’RE HAVING A MEETING WITH THE MAN WHO DISCOVERED LADY GAGA?!?!?!?!”

They had their meeting, and the next thing I know, I’m getting on the phone with Bob Leone doing a pre-interview for the podcast.

So many things stand out from my conversations with him.

You can’t have a Plan B. This has to be your Plan A and your Plan B. It has to be the only plan.

When you are pursuing a career in the music industry, you have to eat, breathe and live music. It has to be the thing that wakes you up in the morning and that you dream about whilst you sleep.

I can tell you, firsthand from my conversations with Bob, that he practices what he preaches. When he talks about music and the talent that he works with, you almost feel a jolt of electricity come through the phone.

When he talks about discovering and grooming Stefani Germanotta (Lady Gaga) he sounds like a painter creating a masterpiece. When he talks about how he wouldn’t let Lizzy Grant (Lana Del Rey) quit music, he beams with pride.

When he talks about songwriting, about the new talent that he is cultivating, about the state of the music industry, you know why he is so successful. It’s not only about him having the right connections–his first producer when he was in the band The Flame was Jimmy Iovine who worked with the biggest names in the music industry such as John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen, U2, Tom Petty to name a few–it is because he only works with people who can match his passion, his love, his work ethic.

Do you have that passion and drive for music?

If you do, make sure that you follow my blog. I’m going to be doing a series based on my conversation with Bob.

Please check out our website to get registered for our next open call. We have some amazing opportunities coming up for people trying to get into the music industry!

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