You Can’t Have a Plan B. This Has To Be The ONLY Plan.

On Monday, I had the opportunity to interview Bob Leone on the VIP Ignite podcast, who is a music legend. He is known as a star maker. How did I get this opportunity? Let’s start from the beginning. Two weeks ago, Michael Fomkin was in Los Angeles for a celebrity reading of the play, TheContinue reading “You Can’t Have a Plan B. This Has To Be The ONLY Plan.”

Have you ever been fully present in a moment…

And felt like you had to pinch yourself to make sure it was really happening? I had a moment like that a few nights ago. I was sitting at dinner after a long day, and as I took an inventory of the day, I found myself laughing incredulously. You see, a few months ago, IContinue reading “Have you ever been fully present in a moment…”

Models, Murder and Human Trafficking

Have I told you guys that I host a podcast? I’ve been doing it for about a year now. I have had the opportunity to interview some of the coolest people in the entertainment industry. Actors. Models. Musicians. It’s a pretty sweet gig. How did I land this gig? Well, I got connected with aContinue reading “Models, Murder and Human Trafficking”