Have you ever been fully present in a moment…

And felt like you had to pinch yourself to make sure it was really happening? I had a moment like that a few nights ago. I was sitting at dinner after a long day, and as I took an inventory of the day, I found myself laughing incredulously. You see, a few months ago, IContinue reading “Have you ever been fully present in a moment…”

Comfort is Danger

Do you find yourself comfortable? In career? In relationships? In general? It may seem counterintuitive, but if you’re comfortable, you are in a cancerous place. Now…for the record, I’m no adrenaline junkie. I don’t seek out crazy situations. You won’t find me in line for a roller coaster or sky diving (though sky diving isContinue reading “Comfort is Danger”

Falling Back into Old Habits

So, last week was one helluva a week. Energetically, I let my week run me instead of me running my week. I allowed myself to be tossed to and fro by my emotions, by my insecurities, and by my Jesus complex. There are so many things that I want to accomplish–so many goals that IContinue reading “Falling Back into Old Habits”

Ch ch ch changes

The one constant in my life is change. Part of me loves change–new challenges, new people, new experiences. Another part of me craves constancy–routine, existing relationships, my comfortable pants with the holes that were earned, not purchased. The seasons in my life are passing rather quickly these days. Four months ago, I was super excitedContinue reading “Ch ch ch changes”