Have you ever been fully present in a moment…

And felt like you had to pinch yourself to make sure it was really happening? I had a moment like that a few nights ago. I was sitting at dinner after a long day, and as I took an inventory of the day, I found myself laughing incredulously. You see, a few months ago, IContinue reading “Have you ever been fully present in a moment…”

Models, Murder and Human Trafficking

Have I told you guys that I host a podcast? I’ve been doing it for about a year now. I have had the opportunity to interview some of the coolest people in the entertainment industry. Actors. Models. Musicians. It’s a pretty sweet gig. How did I land this gig? Well, I got connected with aContinue reading “Models, Murder and Human Trafficking”

Comfort is Danger

Do you find yourself comfortable? In career? In relationships? In general? It may seem counterintuitive, but if you’re comfortable, you are in a cancerous place. Now…for the record, I’m no adrenaline junkie. I don’t seek out crazy situations. You won’t find me in line for a roller coaster or sky diving (though sky diving isContinue reading “Comfort is Danger”

Michael Fomkin Talks Models, Miami and Madrid

Well, I’ve officially been a podcaster for about a month. Last night, I got the chance to interview the co-founder of VIP Ignite, Michael Fomkin. His story is really inspirational. His start in entrepreneurship was owning an Italian restaurant. Now he is co-founder of one of the biggest talent management companies in the world thatContinue reading “Michael Fomkin Talks Models, Miami and Madrid”