What Would Jesus Do?

Throughout my life, as I’ve worked with people in so many different capacities, one of my weaknesses is that I always want more for people…see more in them than they do. Tony Robbins tells a story about a young person who joins the coast guard. He’s just graduated from the coast guard academy, and he’sContinue reading “What Would Jesus Do?”

Tough Experiences Yield the Most Fruitful Lessons

I guess you can say I’m a fixer. Whenever something happens that causes others stress or grief, I immediately got into militant mode. I take over. I go into action. What I realized today is that my coping mechanism for grief can come off as lacking compassion; as too intense. That broke my heart. WhichContinue reading “Tough Experiences Yield the Most Fruitful Lessons”

What Is Wrong With You??

The last few days have been emotionally charged. So emotionally charged that I am exhausted on every level possible. I think my hair is emotionally and physically exhausted. I have a very serious question that I am trying answer. What the actual f$&k is wrong with people? People demand sympathy but don’t offer an ounceContinue reading “What Is Wrong With You??”

Falling Back into Old Habits

So, last week was one helluva a week. Energetically, I let my week run me instead of me running my week. I allowed myself to be tossed to and fro by my emotions, by my insecurities, and by my Jesus complex. There are so many things that I want to accomplish–so many goals that IContinue reading “Falling Back into Old Habits”


Some days I am as focused as a laser beam. Other days I’m like the glitter that you find all over your house weeks after the holidays have passed. What changes from week to week, day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute? My mindset. I am fully in control of how I allowContinue reading “Recalculating…Recalculating”

Ending 2018 Strong

2018 was one of the most interesting years that I have ever lived. I thought that 2017 would’ve held that title…but alas, I was wrong. Let’s take a look at 2018. Well, I did a lot of traveling. I got to know and love Miami. I got to NYC a few times. Oddly, I didn’tContinue reading “Ending 2018 Strong”

Breaking the fear of success

Back in January/February, I had the opportunity to spend a long weekend in NYC. It was awesome. But…when I found out the address of the hotel, I felt so unworthy. As I was walking there, I passed over all of the fancy streets that you hear about in every movie about high-end NY. Park Avenue.Continue reading “Breaking the fear of success”


Growing up, I always identified as smart. Ok…if I’m honest, that’s what I still identify with. Why? Well, it started with the voices that I allowed to shape my identity. For me, fun always equated with stupid (yes, super judgmental, I know) so I always prefer to be intense over fun. Something else that I’veContinue reading “Triggers”

Writing is my release. It is the way that I work through what’s raging in my head, in my life in a way that is productive instead of falling prey to self-destruction. It is something I do for ME. It is the way that I get my story out to the world in an understandableContinue reading

A lesson about sharks

There are people in the world who are truly zealous for your success. They will feed into your life in a way that is meaningful, as you do into theirs. Then there are people who act like they want you to be successful because they have something to gain…an ego boost for themselves. Both peopleContinue reading “A lesson about sharks”